气动球阀的工作原理是靠旋转阀芯来使阀门通顺或闭塞。气动球阀开关轻便,体积小,可以做成很大口径,密封可靠,结构 简单,维修方便,密封面与球面常在闭合状态,不易被介质冲蚀,在各行业得到广泛的应用。
The working principle of pneumatic ball valve is to make the valve smooth or blocked by rotating the valve core. The pneumatic ball valve has the advantages of light switch and small volume. It can be made into a large diameter, reliable sealing, simple structure and convenient maintenance. The sealing surface and spherical surface are often closed and are not easy to be eroded by the medium. It is widely used in various industries.
气动球阀和旋塞阀是同属一个类型的阀门,只有它的关闭件是个球体,球体绕阀体中 心线作旋转来达到开启、关闭的一种阀门。
Pneumatic ball valve and plug valve belong to the same type of valve. Only its closing part is a ball. The ball rotates around the center line of the valve body to open and close.
Pneumatic ball valve is mainly used to cut off fast, distribute and change the flow direction of medium in the pipeline. Pneumatic ball valve is a new type of valve widely used in recent years. It has the following advantages:
1. 流体阻力小,其阻力系数与同长度的管段相等。
1. The fluid resistance is small, and its resistance coefficient is equal to that of the pipe section with the same length.
2. 结构简单、体积小、重量轻。
2. Simple structure, small volume and light weight.
3. 紧密可靠,目前球阀的密封面材料广泛使用塑料、密封性好,在真空系统中也已广泛使用。
3. Tight and reliable. At present, plastic is widely used as the sealing surface material of ball valve, with good sealing performance. It has also been widely used in vacuum system.
4. 操作方便,开闭迅速,从全开到全关只要旋转90°,便于远距离的控制。
4. It is easy to operate and open and close quickly. It only needs to rotate 90 ° from full open to full close, which is convenient for remote control.

5. 维修方便,气动球阀结构简单,密封圈一般都是活动的,拆卸更换都比较方便。
5. Convenient maintenance, simple structure of pneumatic ball valve, generally movable sealing ring, and convenient disassembly and replacement.
6. 在全开或全闭时,球体和阀座的密封面与介质隔离,介质通过时,不会引起阀门密封面的侵蚀。
6. When fully open or fully closed, the sealing surface of the ball and valve seat is isolated from the medium. When the medium passes through, it will not cause the erosion of the valve sealing surface.
7. 适用范围广,通径从小到几毫米,大到几米,从高真空至高压力都可应用。
7. It has a wide range of applications, ranging from small diameter to a few millimeters and large diameter to a few meters. It can be applied from high vacuum to high pressure.
8. 因为气动球阀动力源采用的是气体,一般为0.2-0.8MPa压力,相对比较安 全。气动球阀如果漏气的话,相对液动、电动来说,气体可以直接排出,对环境没有污染,同时具有较高的安 全性。
8. Because the power source of pneumatic ball valve is gas, which is generally 0.2-0.8mpa, it is relatively safe. If the pneumatic ball valve leaks, compared with hydraulic and electric, the gas can be discharged directly, which has no pollution to the environment and high safety.
9. Compared with manual and turbine rotary ball valves, pneumatic ball valves can be configured with large diameter. (manual and turbine rotary ball valves are generally below DN300 diameter, and pneumatic ball valves can reach DN1200 diameter at present.)
Pneumatic ball valve has been widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, power generation, papermaking, atomic energy, aviation, rocket and other departments, as well as people's daily life.