What are the differences in the application of intelligent valves in different fields during the development of valve intelligence?
There are significant differences in the application of intelligent valves in different fields. The following will elaborate on the characteristics and application of intelligent valves in each field.
1、 Petroleum field
在石油领域,尤其是在油田开发中,气体提升技术越来越受到重视。气体提升是一种经济、可持续的人工举升弱油井或死油井的方法,在高产量油井中应用更为广泛。智能阀门在这个过程中发挥着重要作用,例如智能数字气体提升阀被应用于 Khafji Joint Operation 油田的案例中。通过注入气体到井管中,智能阀门可以降低油井中产出流体柱的静水压力,从而降低井底流动压力,增加储层压力与井底压力之间的压差,有助于将产出流体提升到地面。优化注入气体的水平对于最大化产量和油井的财务性能至关重要。在石油领域,智能阀门能够根据井的参数如注入点、注入速率和注入压力进行优化,以实现最佳的生产速率,同时最小化气体注入量,为其他井节省气体资源,延长生产资产的使用寿命。
In the field of petroleum, especially in oilfield development, gas lift technology is receiving increasing attention. Gas lift is an economical and sustainable method for artificially lifting weak or dead oil wells, and is more widely used in high-yield oil wells. Intelligent valves play an important role in this process, such as the application of intelligent digital gas lift valves in the Khafji Joint Operation oilfield case. By injecting gas into the wellbore, smart valves can reduce the static water pressure of the produced fluid column in the oil well, thereby lowering the bottomhole flow pressure and increasing the pressure difference between the reservoir pressure and the bottomhole pressure, which helps to lift the produced fluid to the surface. Optimizing the level of injected gas is crucial for maximizing production and the financial performance of oil wells. In the petroleum field, intelligent valves can optimize well parameters such as injection point, injection rate, and injection pressure to achieve optimal production rate while minimizing gas injection volume, saving gas resources for other wells and extending the service life of production assets.
Intelligent valves still face some challenges in the petroleum industry, such as the lack of accurate and timely production data. Therefore, obtaining real-time data is crucial for evaluating the production process and optimizing the performance of intelligent valves.

2、 In the field of agriculture
在农业领域,随着机电一体化技术和计算机控制技术的发展,实现阀门的数字化、智能化和网络化变得十分迫切。一种基于 Modbus 现场总线的智能农用阀门电动执行机构控制系统被设计出来,实现了农用阀门电动执行机构的自动控制和主从分机之间的数字通信等功能。这种智能阀门能够提高农业灌溉和施肥等过程的自动化水平,提高农业生产效率,降低劳动力成本。
In the field of agriculture, with the development of mechatronics technology and computer control technology, it has become urgent to achieve digitalization, intelligence, and networking of valves. A smart agricultural valve electric actuator control system based on Modbus fieldbus has been designed, which realizes automatic control of agricultural valve electric actuators and digital communication between master and slave units. This intelligent valve can improve the automation level of agricultural irrigation and fertilization processes, enhance agricultural production efficiency, and reduce labor costs.
Intelligent agricultural valves can automatically adjust parameters such as soil moisture and crop water demand, achieving precise irrigation and fertilization, reducing water and fertilizer waste, and protecting the environment.
3、 Industrial sector
In the field of industrial production and manufacturing, valves are indispensable and important equipment. Intelligent valves are widely used in industrial fields, such as thermal power plants, power stations, petroleum refining enterprises, chemical plants, etc. The adjustment capability of intelligent valves is more abundant, and their practical functions are more diversified. It realizes the automation control of gates, allowing the opening and closing of valves to be independently controlled according to specific production conditions. At the same time, corresponding protection mechanisms are also set up to make valve operation safer, more stable, and intelligent.
The currently advanced valve is the electric valve positioner, which can effectively achieve human-computer interaction and has high adaptability to various production and manufacturing scenarios. Its practical application indicators are also extremely excellent. The application of intelligent valves in the industrial field has improved production efficiency, reduced production costs, and improved product quality.
4、 Water conservancy field
在水利领域,针对我国新疆地区土地干旱,水分下渗和蒸发比较严重导致灌溉过程中水分流失的问题,研制出一款根据土壤湿度传感器数据和作物需水量进行决策,实现智能灌溉的阀门控制器。该控制器以 STM32 单片机为控制核心,采用太阳能供电的方式,能够通过土壤湿度传感器采集的数据进行灌溉决策,在土壤含水率低于作物最适宜生长值下限时开启阀门,当土壤含水率达到田间持水量时关闭阀门。农民能通过手机 APP 远程获取土壤湿度数据和阀门开关状态信息,并能远程控制阀门进行灌溉。
In the field of water conservancy, a valve controller for intelligent irrigation has been developed based on soil moisture sensor data and crop water demand to address the problem of water loss during irrigation caused by severe land drought, water infiltration, and evaporation in Xinjiang, China. The controller uses STM32 microcontroller as the control core and is powered by solar energy. It can make irrigation decisions based on data collected by soil moisture sensors. The valve is opened when the soil moisture content is lower than the optimal growth value for crops, and closed when the soil moisture content reaches the field capacity. Farmers can remotely obtain soil moisture data and valve switch status information through a mobile app, and can remotely control valves for irrigation.
In addition, intelligent pressure reducing valves have been widely used in urban water supply projects. The traditional pressure reducing valve can only change the pressure by manually tightening the adjustment thread of the pilot valve, while the new intelligent pressure reducing valve uses a stepper motor instead of manually adjusting the pilot valve, and sets pressure sensors in front of and behind the valve. The pressure data is trained through a deep residual shrinkage network, which can effectively and timely judge the leakage situation.
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