智能型电动执行机构采用变频减速,电动执行机构运行速度是根据位置量变化的,给定与当前位置量值较大时,电动执行机构以较快速度运行至给定值附近,然后以较慢速度到达给定点,这样 1.调节精度值高 2.避免对系统阀门的冲击,消除水锤效应· 智能型电动执行机构可以实时显示电动执行机构的运行情况,实时显示当前力矩,实时显示当前位置· 智能型电动执行机构可以故障自诊断,并给出相应的报警信号· 智能型电动执行机构应使用非侵入式设计,一般采用红外线进行设定,并可以用个人电脑的红外口或者数据线进行设定· 智能型电动执行机构采用含总线技术的多种控制方式· (用于闭环形式的自动控制,可接收和输出4-20mA标准控制信号,实现DCS控制
The intelligent electric actuator adopts variable frequency deceleration. The operating speed of the electric actuator changes according to the position value. When the given value is larger than the current position value, the electric actuator runs at a faster speed to the vicinity of the given value, and then reaches the given point at a slower speed, so that 1. the adjustment accuracy value is high 2. the impact on the system valve is avoided, Elimination of water hammer effect · Intelligent electric actuator can display the operation of the electric actuator in real time, the current torque and the current position in real time · Intelligent electric actuator can diagnose faults by itself and give corresponding alarm signals · Intelligent electric actuator shall be of non intrusive design and generally set with infrared ray, It can also be set with the infrared port or data line of the personal computer. The intelligent electric actuator adopts a variety of control methods including bus technology. (It is used for closed-loop automatic control, and can receive and output 4-20mA standard control signals to achieve DCS control

LCD display and infrared remote control have advanced learning function and phase loss protection function, which can realize remote control of multiple electric actuators without mutual influence;
The digital display adopts LCD, full function display, full digital display;
Advanced industrial single chip computer control and full isolation design are adopted;
It has the function of automatic identification and correction and automatic protection against phase loss;
It has the function of automatically recording the operation times of actuators and valves;
It has the function of preset opening percentage value;
It has the function of setting overcurrent protection value and overcurrent time protection value;
It has three kinds of signal loss selection functions;
With positive and negative reaction selection function;
The intelligent regulating input signal has four optional input modes, and the selection modes are wide;
With upper and lower limit feedback current and manual correction function;
With electric head sensitivity adjustment function;
With electric actuator inertia adjustment function;
With non sparking commutation technology, SCR unit drives motor;