Stop valve refers to the valve whose closing part (disc) moves along the centerline of the valve seat. According to this movement form of the valve disc, the change of the valve seat opening is in direct proportion to the stroke of the valve disc. Because the opening or closing stroke of the valve stem of this kind of valve is relatively short, and has a very reliable cutting function, and because the change of the valve seat opening is in direct proportion to the stroke of the valve disc, it is very suitable for the regulation of flow. Therefore, this type of valve is very suitable for cut-off or regulation and throttling.
Once the valve disc of the stop valve is removed from the closed position, there will be no contact between its seat and the sealing surface of the valve disc. Therefore, the mechanical wear of its sealing surface is very small, so its sealing performance is very good. The disadvantage is that the particles in the flowing medium may be clamped between the sealing surfaces. However, if the valve disc is made into steel ball or porcelain ball, this problem will be solved. Because the valve seat and disc of most stop valves are relatively easy to repair or replace, and there is no need to disassemble the whole valve from the pipeline when repairing or replacing the sealing elements, it is very applicable when the valve and pipeline are welded into one.

As the flow direction of medium passing through such valves has changed, the flow resistance of stop valves is also higher than that of most other types of valves. However, this situation can be changed according to the structure of the valve body and the layout of the valve stem relative to the inlet and outlet channels. At the same time. Because the stroke between the opening and closing of the stop valve disc is small, and the sealing surface can withstand multiple opening and closing, it is very suitable for occasions requiring frequent opening and closing.
Stop valves can be used in most media process systems. Various forms of stop valves have been developed to meet various uses in petrochemical, electric power, metallurgy, urban construction, chemical and other departments.
截止阀的使用普遍,但由于开启和关闭力矩较大、结构长度较长,通常公称通径都限制在250mm 以下,也有到400mm 的,但选用时需特别注意进出口方向。一般15Omm 以下的截止阀介质大都从阀瓣的下方流入,而2O0mm 以上的截止阀介质大都从阀瓣的上方流入。这是考虑到阀门的关闭力矩所致。为了减小开启或关闭力矩,一般2O0mm 以上的截止阀都设内旁通或外旁通阀门。
Globe valves are widely used. However, due to the large opening and closing torque and long structural length, the nominal diameter is usually limited to less than 250mm, and some to 400mm. However, special attention should be paid to the inlet and outlet direction when selecting. Generally, most of the stop valve media below 15mm flows from below the valve disc, while most of the stop valve media above 2o0mm flows from above the valve disc. This is due to the closing torque of the valve. In order to reduce the opening or closing torque, the stop valves above 2o0mm are generally equipped with internal bypass or external bypass valves.
The obvious advantages of stop valve are:
在开启和关闭过程中,由于阀瓣与阀体密封面间的摩擦力比闸阀小,因而耐磨。( 2 )开启高度一般仅为阀座通道直径的l / 4 ,因此比闸阀小得多。
In the process of opening and closing, the friction between the valve disc and the sealing surface of the valve body is smaller than that of the gate valve, so it is wear-resistant. (2) the opening height is generally only L / 4 of the diameter of the valve seat channel, so it is much smaller than the gate valve.
Generally, there is only one sealing surface on the valve body and disc, so the manufacturing process is relatively good and easy to maintain. However, the shortcomings of stop valve can not be ignored. Its disadvantage is that the flow resistance coefficient is relatively large, resulting in pressure loss, especially in hydraulic devices.
The above is the detailed introduction of Shanghai Lianggong valve. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.jnlgvf.com