Valve seat materials play an important role in the industrial field as they directly affect the sealing performance, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and reliability of valves. Different applications require different valve seat materials. Here are some common types of valve seat materials:
Metal valve seat material:
不锈钢: 不锈钢阀座常用于要求良好耐腐蚀性和耐高温性能的应用,如化工、石油、食品加工和制药行业。常见的不锈钢包括304和316不锈钢。
Stainless steel: Stainless steel valve seats are commonly used in applications that require good corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance, such as the chemical, petroleum, food processing, and pharmaceutical industries. Common stainless steels include 304 and 316 stainless steel.
合金钢: 合金钢阀座通常在高温高压条件下使用,例如发电厂中的锅炉阀门。这些阀座通常含有铬、钼、钴等合金元素,以提供额外的硬度和耐腐蚀性。
Alloy steel: Alloy steel valve seats are typically used under high temperature and high pressure conditions, such as boiler valves in power plants. These valve seats typically contain alloying elements such as chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, etc. to provide additional hardness and corrosion resistance.
镍合金: 镍合金阀座在高温、高腐蚀性介质和海水环境中表现出色,因此常见于海洋、石油化工和航空航天领域。
Nickel alloy: Nickel alloy valve seats perform well in high temperature, highly corrosive media, and seawater environments, and are therefore commonly used in the marine, petrochemical, and aerospace fields.

Valve metal seat
Non metallic valve seat material:
聚四氟乙烯: PTFE阀座具有优异的化学稳定性和耐腐蚀性,通常用于酸、碱和一些腐蚀性介质的应用,如化学工程和食品加工。
teflon: PTFE valve seats have excellent chemical stability and corrosion resistance, and are commonly used in applications involving acids, alkalis, and some corrosive media, such as chemical engineering and food processing.
聚酯: 聚酯阀座具有良好的机械性能和耐磨性,适用于一般工业应用,如水处理和供水系统。
Polyester: Polyester valve seats have good mechanical properties and wear resistance, suitable for general industrial applications such as water treatment and water supply systems.
氟橡胶): 氟橡胶阀座具有较好的耐高温和耐腐蚀性能,通常在高温烃类介质或化学品处理中使用。
Fluororubber: Fluororubber valve seats have good high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, and are usually used in high-temperature hydrocarbon media or chemical treatment.
Ceramic valve seat material:
氧化铝陶瓷: 氧化铝陶瓷阀座在高温、高压和磨损严重的应用中表现出色,例如矿业、电力和煤气化。
Aluminum oxide ceramic: Aluminum oxide ceramic valve seats perform well in applications with high temperature, high pressure, and severe wear, such as mining, power, and coal gasification.
硅氮氧化物陶瓷: 硅氮氧化物陶瓷阀座具有优异的耐磨性和耐腐蚀性,适用于一些特殊用途,如液氮处理。
Silicon nitride oxide ceramics: Silicon nitride oxide ceramic valve seats have excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance, and are suitable for some special applications, such as liquid nitrogen treatment.
Rubber valve seat material:
氟橡胶: 氟橡胶阀座在耐化学品和高温性能方面表现良好,广泛应用于石油和化工行业。
Fluororubber: Fluororubber valve seats perform well in terms of chemical resistance and high temperature performance, and are widely used in the petroleum and chemical industries.
丁腈橡胶: 丁腈橡胶阀座通常用于低温应用,如空调和制冷系统。
Nitrile rubber: Nitrile rubber valve seats are commonly used in low-temperature applications such as air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
乙丙橡胶: 三元乙丙橡胶是性价比比较高的阀座,用于污水、给水等弱腐蚀性介质的工况。
Ethylene propylene rubber: Ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber is a cost-effective valve seat used in weakly corrosive media such as sewage and water supply.
Valve rubber seat
When selecting valve seat materials, multiple factors such as medium, temperature, pressure, flow rate, corrosion properties, wear resistance, and environment need to be considered. The correct selection of valve seat material can ensure excellent performance and reliability of the valve in various applications. Manufacturers typically provide recommendations on material selection to help users choose valve seat materials that are suitable for their specific needs.